Wednesday 3 April 2013

Bobby Shafto's gone to sea, my favourite

Folk / Jazz Club all at sea in April
The next club night is Thursday 25th April- and Charles has come up with a plan to make this month's event a bit different by having the first half as a sea shanty session.

For any of you who don't know, sea shanties are rousing sailors' work songs with a call and response giving the audience a great chance to join in and raise the roof. Regular singers have already been contacting Charles to let him know the shanty they want to sing ( we don't want the same one seven times) so if you have a favourite and want to make your debut go for it! You need to contact Charles as soon as possible at and let him know the shanty you want to sing.
It should be lots of fun and hopefully will get the audience singing loud enough to drown me out. Hope to see lots of you there.

Sue Carter
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